Artist Feature: Mojo Wang
...a feeling that something was lost in my body...
I was initially drawn to the oddity in the illustrations of Mojo Wang, resonating with the facelessness in his figures. As I explored a deeper meaning to his illustrations, I was moved by the emotional charge behind his pieces. Some series he created to simply represent sadness, others anger or a combination of the two. Although his illustrations seem somewhat playful in color and style, there is an underlying hollowness and lack of identity in his figures, giving the viewer an entrance into his characters.
Most of his series represent challenging emotions that we all experience and process differently through life as many of his figures are tangled into themselves, hiding, and some are filled with gaping holes, representing the emptiness we sometimes feel inside. “I suddenly realized a feeling that something was lost in my body, like I got kicked in the stomach. Then the cavities showed up, one by one, until I vanish.”
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Mojo Wang is a young self-taught illustrator based in Shanghai. He has worked with several publications including Elle Men and Esquire. He also has a comic series called “Between Rivers.” To view more of his work, visit his site here.