Artist Feature: Renzo Razzetto
Rich with eroticism, horror and the occult.
When I look around, my life is filled with offhand sketches; small pieces of paper, junk mail and notebooks filled with patterns and words dancing into messages that only I can decode. I save them in little boxes and file folders as if one day they will be discovered and explored like a treasure map to my insides. It’s not uncommon to spontaneously draw, disregarding napkin doodles as nothing more than pointless distractions, but maybe this offhand approach is telling us something more. Maybe it’s a pathway to awaken an adventure and insight to something not yet born to our consciousness.
When I was initially taken away by the illustrations of Renzo Razzetto, I thought for sure there was an overall arc, studying his visual narratives in search for the denouement. I asked him about it and was surprised to learn that there simply was no plan. Razzetto truly takes freestyle drawing to another level, opening up a reality as in his waking dream. With never a clear arrangement to the aesthetics or stories he illustrates, he impromptu originates the imagery and plots as he goes, taking his viewers on his inner adventure rich with eroticism, horror and the occult.
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Renzo Razzetto is a self-taught freelance illustrator that currently lives and works in Florida. Using a pen and ink stippling technique, he creates collages which are heavily influenced by silent Expressionist cinema. His work has been exhibited across the US and featured in publications throughout the US and Europe.