Poetry Report: State of the Union

dems, hippies,
Nazis, euro trash”

Poetry Report 1.30.14.png

RIP Congressman Pillbottom.

+ + +

State of the Union Rebuttal

During a press conference
to tell everyone
how much he hates
affordable health care
and in the middle of a
third sentence
that rallies against
suckers, leeches,
moochers, takers,
socialists, libs,
dems, hippies,
Nazis, euro trash,
people who
buy wheat germ,
unleaded gasoline
and anyone
who just isn't
smart enough
to stay healthy,
Congressman Pillbottom
has a Defcon 4,
orange alert,
chest gripping,
sweat wringing,
bend over pretzel
sweet Jesus
trout squeezing
scream of a
heart attack,
dolphin kicks
off the podium
and dies.

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Scott Poole

Scott Poole is the House Poet for Live Wire! Radio, a weekly public radio show taped in Portland, OR and broadcast throughout the country. He is the author of three books of poetry, The Cheap Seats, Hiding from Salesmen and, most recently, The Sliding Glass Door (2011, Colonus Publishing). He was also the founding director of Wordstock, the annual Portland, OR book festival.


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