NAILED Songs of the Week #40
“It’s this picture I saw once of a friend with a tiny hummingbird in his cupped hands”
Poetry Suite by Anis Mojgani
“–you are better than the vocabulary you choose to use for excusing yourself”
Light in the Shade by Erin Lyndal Martin
“I lost count of how many people I kissed that night.”
Poetry Suite by Sarah Maria Medina
“Forgive me for our bending, for smelling the
hatred so close to your skin”
Response: Cheating
“before I pulled up my big girl panties and broke up with my current partner”
Poetry Suite by Sophia Holtz
“here’s a trick made by time: I look in the mirror
& I’m a whole new girl”
Poetry Suite by Robert Lashley
“A tossed salad is not a metaphor
but a dish up on the floor.”
The Song That Got People Laid That Summer by Brad Rosen
“Peter Frampton, you came alive alright, and you created a monster.”
Poetry Suite by Maureen Daniels
“marmalade ringlets revolving like fire
lit swans in snow banks”